personalized & holistic 

Fertility Nutrition

The missing link to your healthy pregnancy

Fertility Nutrition for a faster & easier way to a healthy pregnancy

Making a baby is natural, but that doesn't mean it's easy. I can help. 

As Featured In:

Online Coaching for


As a fertility dietitian, and natural fertility expert, I can help you get (and stay!) pregnant, while avoiding the physical, emotional & financial turmoil of failed fertility treatments.

A guide to choosing the best prenatal


3-Step Checklist


Don't flush your $ down the toilet or let missing nutrients get between you and your baby.

Get the best supplements for fertility while TTC, including if you're over 35, over 40 or have PCOS.

 This is the guide you need to make sure you get THE BEST supplements for fertility and a healthy pregnancy.

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A fertility nutritionist offers online fertility nutrition coaching

A proven process to a healthy pregnancy

Online Fertility Nutrition Coaching

3-months of personalized guidance with a fertility dietitian and natural fertility expert.

With a tried & true, proven process, tailored to your unique physiology, we take the guesswork out of getting pregnant.

Working with a fertility nutritionist means you get the support & accountability to keep you consistent and ensure your success. 

Apply Here
A guide to fertility nutrition in a course to prepare for pregnancy naturally

Step-by-step guide to make a healthy baby


 If you're preparing for pregnancy (like a boss!) or already TTC, this is your DIY roadmap to baby-making success.

Get everything you need to know for natural fertility methods, the best supplements for fertility, best and worst foods for fertility, hormone balance, egg quality, regular cycles and miscarriage prevention. 

PLUS! 6-weeks of fertility meal plans!

Get It Here

Did you know?

Fertility nutrition is statistically MORE likely to get you pregnant than IVF.

According to the Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology, in one round of IVF (the first fresh transfer) the rates of live birth are only:

  • 32.7% for women under 35 years old;
  • 25.8% for women 35-37  years old; 
  • 18% for women 37-40 years old; and
  • <10% for women over 40. 

These stats are not the guarantee of a healthy baby that you would hope for after going through all of the physical, emotional & financial turmoil of IVF.

More promising are the results from research on the fertility diet, shown to help 66% of women, ages 25-42, with ovulatory infertility, to finally conceive.

Now, get this!πŸ‘‡ 

 92% of women who completed my FERTILE IN FIVE coaching program went on to enjoy a healthy pregnancy! 

As a fertility dietitian, with a decade of experience in natural fertility methods, I have helped dozens of couples explain "unexplained" infertility, take control of their weight and their hormone balance and finally get their baby. 

A graphic about natural fertility methods

 This is HUGE!

It means that you have better chances of getting your cycles regular, balancing hormones, improving egg quality and getting pregnant (even if you're over 35, over 40 or have PCOS) by working with a fertility nutritionist (like me πŸ™‹πŸ»‍♀️)

✨ As a fertility dietitian & nutritionist, I can help you get pregnant and enjoy a healthy pregnancy, without the physical, emotional & financial turmoil of failed fertility treatments.✨

Don't lose any precious time. 

Apply now for my online fertility nutrition coaching program.

Anna Bohnengel, a fertility nutritionist, smiles at the camera wearing a white shirt

Hi! I'm so glad you're here.

I’m Anna, Fertility Dietitian Nutritionist

In the past decade as a registered dietitian, I have helped dozens of couples (including those over 40 years old or with PCOS) to:

πŸ‘‰  explain "unexplained" infertility;

πŸ‘‰ avoid the agony of failed fertility treatments; and

πŸ‘‰ finally enjoy a healthy pregnancy 

All through natural fertility methods, personalized nutrition, and my proven process, FERTILE IN FIVE™.

It's your turn!

Let's get you pregnant!


Read more about me and my approach

Read my publications for Modern Fertility


Are You Ready to Take Control of Your Fertility? 

Get started with a free fertility strategy session πŸ‘‡


Apply Now


In the next 3 months, your follicles will mature for ovulation. This is a unique window of time when you have the power to fortify those developing eggs with nutrients and antioxidants needed for conception and miscarriage prevention.

If you:

  • Are gearing up to transition off of hormonal birth control and want to get healthy before you start trying;
  • Have been TTC for too many frustrating months, are done with throwing spaghetti at the fertility-wall and are ready for real answers it's so hard for you to get (and stay!) pregnant;
  • Are dealing with PCOS, endometriosis, or unexplained infertility; or
  • Already scheduled IUI or IVF... 

I can help you get pregnant more easily, without the physical, emotional & financial turmoil of failed fertility treatments, so you can move on to baby names. 



Start With A Free Fertility Strategy Session


3-Step Checklist to The Best Supplements for Fertility

An ipad with a guide to the best natural prenatal vitamins


Don't flush your $ down the toilet or let missing nutrients get between you and your baby.

Learn the most common mistakes when choosing a prenatal vitamin


The 3 steps to make sure you get the best supplements for fertility when TTC - even if you're over 40 or have PCOS.

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